
Unit Name Category
LG - I01 Advance Health & Beauty
LG - 01-A AZKO Home Life Improvement
LG - 01-B Informa Home & Furnishing
LG - 03-A Indocev Money Changer Services
LG - SA-02 Tea & Tea Food & Beverages
GF - C07 Starbucks Coffee Food & Beverages
GF - 23-B Kettler Health & Beauty
GF - I-03 The Face Shop Health & Beauty
GF - 16 Solaria Food & Beverages
GF - C12-B & 15-B Excelso Food & Beverages
GF-01 Carrefour Hypermarket & Dept.Store
GF - 25 Erha Apothecary Health & Beauty
GF - 26-B Guardian Health & Beauty
GF - 11-B & 12-A Andre Valentino Fashion
GF - 23-A Yongki Komaladi Fashion
GF - 09-A & 10-A Charles & Keith Fashion
GF - C05 Istana Mie Food & Beverages
GF - C11-B Pemepek Ny. Kamto Food & Beverages
GF - 11-A Gosh Fashion
GF - 28 Donini Fashion
GF - 15-A Adidas Fashion
GF - 21 The Excecutive Fashion
GF - 22 Minimal Fashion
GF - 31 Giordano Fashion
GF - 32 Colorbox Fashion
UG - 19 Electronic Solution Gadget & Electronics
UG - 17 Sport Station Fashion
UG - I05 VIP Watch Jewellery,Accessories & Optics
UG - 01 Carrefour Hypermarket & Dept.Store
UG - 21 Centro Hypermarket & Dept.Store
UG - 02 Ecosway Health & Beauty
UG - 07-B Lynn's Boutique Fashion
UG - 08-A Celcius Fashion
UG - 08 -B Betty Boop & Hugo Fashion
UG - 09 Point Break Fashion
UG - 16 Nix Boutique Fashion
UG - 17 Sport Station Fashion
UG - I09-B Chatelain Fashion
UG - I11-A Batik Dayoni Fashion
UG - I11-B Batik Riyana Fashion
UG - 03 Bee Story Jewellery,Accessories & Optics
UG - I08 Tong Tji Tea Bar Food & Beverages
FF - 20 Toys Kingdom Entertainment
FF - 17 Happy Time Entertainment
FF - 03-A Story - I Gadget & Electronics
FF - 03-B Planet Surf Fashion
FF - 06 Harisma Gadget & Electronics
FF - 05 Global Teleshop Gadget & Electronics
FF - I03 2 Tang Cafe Food & Beverages
FF - 07 Movie Plus Entertainment
FF - I02 J-Lo Club Entertainment
FF -I12 Inbox Entertainment
FF - W01 Happy Train Entertainment
FF - 08-A Erafone Gadget & Electronics
FF - 08-B Sentra Ponsel Gadget & Electronics
FF - 09-A Okeshop Gadget & Electronics
FF - 10 Lenovo Store Gadget & Electronics
FF - 12-A Samsung Mobile Plaza Gadget & Electronics
FF - 12-B Blackberry Center Gadget & Electronics
FF - 18 & 19 Payless Fashion
FF - 26 Parisien Fashion
FF - 30 Up 2 Date Fashion
FF - 35-B Mimosa Fashion
FF - I25 Kidz Station Fashion
FF - I25 Barbie Fashion
FF - I25 Osh Kosh Fashion
FF - 15 Loly Poly & Love Poly Jewellery,Accessories & Optics
FF - 16 Yayang Accessories Jewellery,Accessories & Optics
FF - 29 Lavender Jewellery,Accessories & Optics
FF - 31 Kimo Jewellery,Accessories & Optics
FF - I05-A Niagara Juice Food & Beverages
FF - I05-B Kebab Turki Food & Beverages
FF - I06 The Jasmine Food & Beverages
FF - 02-A Rainbow Family Treatment Health & Beauty
FF - 11 Brown Salon Health & Beauty


FF - 11FF - 02-AFF - I08FF - I06FF - I05-BFF - I05-AFF - I03FF - 31FF - 29FF - 16FF - 15FF - I25FF - I25FF - I25FF - 35-BFF - 30FF - 26FF - 18 & 19FF - 03-BFF - 02-CFF - 12-BFF - 12-AFF - 10FF - 09-AFF - 08-BFF - 08-AFF - 06FF - 05FF - 03-AFF - W01FF -I12FF - I02FF - 20FF - 17FF - 07
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